Interaction clustering, PID and primary particles

Interaction clustering is done by another Graph Neural Network (GNN). Each node corresponds to a predicted particle. In addition to predicting which edge should be kept (i.e. the interaction clustering), the chain also predicts for each node a particle type (particle identification, PID) and a binary classification into primary/non-primary particles. We call primary particles the first particles to come out of an interaction vertex.

Imports and configuration

If needed, you can edit the path to lartpc_mlreco3d library and to the data folder.

import os
SOFTWARE_DIR = '%s/lartpc_mlreco3d' % os.environ.get('HOME')
DATA_DIR = os.environ.get('DATA_DIR')

The usual imports and setting the right PYTHON_PATH… click if you need to see them.

import sys, os
# set software directory
sys.path.insert(0, SOFTWARE_DIR)
import numpy as np
import yaml
import torch
import plotly
import plotly.graph_objs as go
from plotly.offline import iplot, init_notebook_mode

from mlreco.visualization import scatter_points, plotly_layout3d
from mlreco.visualization.gnn import scatter_clusters, network_topology, network_schematic
from mlreco.utils.ppn import uresnet_ppn_type_point_selector
from mlreco.utils.cluster.dense_cluster import fit_predict_np, gaussian_kernel
from mlreco.main_funcs import process_config, prepare
from mlreco.utils.gnn.cluster import get_cluster_label
from mlreco.utils.deghosting import adapt_labels_numpy as adapt_labels
from mlreco.visualization.gnn import network_topology

from larcv import larcv
/usr/local/lib/python3.8/dist-packages/MinkowskiEngine/ UserWarning:

The environment variable `OMP_NUM_THREADS` not set. MinkowskiEngine will automatically set `OMP_NUM_THREADS=16`. If you want to set `OMP_NUM_THREADS` manually, please export it on the command line before running a python script. e.g. `export OMP_NUM_THREADS=12; python`. It is recommended to set it below 24.
Welcome to JupyROOT 6.22/09

The configuration is loaded from the file inference.cfg.

cfg=yaml.load(open('%s/inference.cfg' % DATA_DIR, 'r').read().replace('DATA_DIR', DATA_DIR),Loader=yaml.Loader)
# pre-process configuration (checks + certain non-specified default settings)
# prepare function configures necessary "handlers"
Config processed at: Linux ampt017 3.10.0-1160.42.2.el7.x86_64 #1 SMP Tue Sep 7 14:49:57 UTC 2021 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux


{   'iotool': {   'batch_size': 10,
                  'collate_fn': 'CollateSparse',
                  'dataset': {   'data_keys': [   '/sdf/home/l/ldomine/lartpc_mlreco3d_tutorials/book/data/mpvmpr_062022_test_small.root'],
                                 'limit_num_files': 10,
                                 'name': 'LArCVDataset',
                                 'schema': {   'cluster_label': [   'parse_cluster3d_clean_full',
                                               'input_data': [   'parse_sparse3d_scn',
                                               'kinematics_label': [   'parse_cluster3d_kinematics_clean',
                                               'particle_graph': [   'parse_particle_graph_corrected',
                                               'particles_asis': [   'parse_particle_asis',
                                               'particles_label': [   'parse_particle_points_with_tagging',
                                               'segment_label': [   'parse_sparse3d_scn',
                  'minibatch_size': 10,
                  'num_workers': 1,
                  'shuffle': False},
    'model': {   'loss_input': [   'segment_label',
                 'modules': {   'chain': {   'enable_charge_rescaling': True,
                                             'enable_cnn_clust': True,
                                             'enable_cosmic': False,
                                             'enable_dbscan': True,
                                             'enable_ghost': True,
                                             'enable_gnn_inter': True,
                                             'enable_gnn_kinematics': False,
                                             'enable_gnn_shower': True,
                                             'enable_gnn_track': True,
                                             'enable_ppn': True,
                                             'enable_uresnet': True,
                                             'process_fragments': True,
                                             'use_ppn_in_gnn': True,
                                             'use_supp_in_gnn': True,
                                             'use_true_fragments': False,
                                             'verbose': True},
                                'cosmic_discriminator': {   'res_encoder': {   'coordConv': True,
                                                                               'latent_size': 2,
                                                                               'pool_mode': 'avg',
                                                                               'spatial_size': 6144},
                                                            'use_input_data': False,
                                                            'use_true_interactions': False},
                                'cosmic_loss': {   'node_loss': {   'balance_classes': True,
                                                                    'name': 'type',
                                                                    'target_col': 8}},
                                'dbscan': {   'dbscan_fragment_manager': {   'cluster_classes': [   0,
                                                                             'delta_label': 3,
                                                                             'eps': [   1.999,
                                                                             'michel_label': 2,
                                                                             'num_classes': 4,
                                                                             'ppn_score_threshold': 0.5,
                                                                             'ppn_type_score_threshold': 0.5,
                                                                             'track_clustering_method': 'masked_dbscan',
                                                                             'track_label': 1}},
                                'graph_spice': {   'constructor_cfg': {   'cluster_col': 5,
                                                                          'edge_cut_threshold': 0.1,
                                                                          'edge_mode': 'attributes',
                                                                          'hyper_dimension': 22,
                                                                          'mode': 'knn',
                                                                          'seg_col': -1},
                                                   'embedder_cfg': {   'graph_spice_embedder': {   'covariance_mode': 'softplus',
                                                                                                   'feature_embedding_dim': 16,
                                                                                                   'num_classes': 5,
                                                                                                   'occupancy_mode': 'softplus',
                                                                                                   'segmentationLayer': False,
                                                                                                   'spatial_embedding_dim': 3},
                                                                       'uresnet': {   'activation': {   'args': {   'negative_slope': 0.33},
                                                                                                        'name': 'lrelu'},
                                                                                      'allow_bias': False,
                                                                                      'depth': 5,
                                                                                      'filters': 32,
                                                                                      'input_kernel': 5,
                                                                                      'norm_layer': {   'args': {   'eps': 0.0001,
                                                                                                                    'momentum': 0.01},
                                                                                                        'name': 'batch_norm'},
                                                                                      'num_input': 4,
                                                                                      'reps': 2,
                                                                                      'spatial_size': 6144}},
                                                   'freeze_weights': True,
                                                   'kernel_cfg': {   'name': 'bilinear',
                                                                     'num_features': 32},
                                                   'min_points': 3,
                                                   'node_dim': 22,
                                                   'skip_classes': [0, 2, 3, 4],
                                                   'use_raw_features': True,
                                                   'use_true_labels': False},
                                'graph_spice_loss': {   'edge_loss_cfg': {   'loss_type': 'LogDice'},
                                                        'eval': True,
                                                        'invert': True,
                                                        'kernel_lossfn': 'lovasz_hinge',
                                                        'name': 'graph_spice_edge_loss'},
                                'grappa_inter': {   'base': {   'add_start_dir': True,
                                                                'add_start_point': True,
                                                                'kinematics_mlp': True,
                                                                'kinematics_type': True,
                                                                'node_min_size': 3,
                                                                'node_type': [   0,
                                                                'start_dir_max_dist': 5,
                                                                'vertex_mlp': True},
                                                    'edge_encoder': {   'name': 'geo',
                                                                        'use_numpy': True},
                                                    'gnn_model': {   'edge_classes': 2,
                                                                     'edge_feats': 19,
                                                                     'edge_output_feats': 64,
                                                                     'name': 'meta',
                                                                     'node_classes': 2,
                                                                     'node_feats': 28,
                                                                     'node_output_feats': 64},
                                                    'node_encoder': {   'name': 'geo',
                                                                        'use_numpy': True},
                                                    'type_net': {   'num_hidden': 32},
                                                    'use_shower_primary': True,
                                                    'use_true_particles': False,
                                                    'vertex_net': {   'num_hidden': 32}},
                                'grappa_inter_loss': {   'edge_loss': {   'name': 'channel',
                                                                          'source_col': 6,
                                                                          'target_col': 7},
                                                         'node_loss': {   'balance_classes': True,
                                                                          'name': 'kinematics',
                                                                          'spatial_size': 6144}},
                                'grappa_kinematics': {   'base': {   'edge_dist_metric': 'set',
                                                                     'edge_dist_numpy': True,
                                                                     'edge_max_dist': -1,
                                                                     'kinematics_mlp': True,
                                                                     'kinematics_momentum': True,
                                                                     'network': 'complete',
                                                                     'node_min_size': -1,
                                                                     'node_type': -1},
                                                         'edge_encoder': {   'cnn_encoder': {   'name': 'cnn',
                                                                                                'res_encoder': {   'coordConv': True,
                                                                                                                   'latent_size': 32,
                                                                                                                   'pool_mode': 'avg',
                                                                                                                   'spatial_size': 6144}},
                                                                             'geo_encoder': {   'more_feats': True},
                                                                             'name': 'mix_debug',
                                                                             'normalize': True},
                                                         'gnn_model': {   'edge_classes': 2,
                                                                          'edge_feats': 51,
                                                                          'edge_output_feats': 64,
                                                                          'leak': 0.33,
                                                                          'name': 'nnconv_old',
                                                                          'node_classes': 5,
                                                                          'node_feats': 83,
                                                                          'node_output_feats': 128},
                                                         'momentum_net': {   'num_hidden': 32},
                                                         'node_encoder': {   'cnn_encoder': {   'name': 'cnn',
                                                                                                'res_encoder': {   'coordConv': True,
                                                                                                                   'input_kernel': 3,
                                                                                                                   'latent_size': 64,
                                                                                                                   'pool_mode': 'avg',
                                                                                                                   'spatial_size': 6144}},
                                                                             'geo_encoder': {   'more_feats': True},
                                                                             'name': 'mix_debug',
                                                                             'normalize': True},
                                                         'use_true_particles': False},
                                'grappa_kinematics_loss': {   'edge_loss': {   'name': 'channel',
                                                                               'target': 'particle_forest'},
                                                              'node_loss': {   'name': 'kinematics',
                                                                               'reg_loss': 'l2'}},
                                'grappa_shower': {   'base': {   'add_start_dir': True,
                                                                 'add_start_point': True,
                                                                 'node_min_size': -1,
                                                                 'node_type': 0,
                                                                 'start_dir_max_dist': 5},
                                                     'edge_encoder': {   'name': 'geo',
                                                                         'use_numpy': True},
                                                     'freeze_weights': True,
                                                     'gnn_model': {   'edge_classes': 2,
                                                                      'edge_feats': 19,
                                                                      'edge_output_feats': 64,
                                                                      'name': 'meta',
                                                                      'node_classes': 2,
                                                                      'node_feats': 28,
                                                                      'node_output_feats': 64},
                                                     'node_encoder': {   'name': 'geo',
                                                                         'use_numpy': True}},
                                'grappa_shower_loss': {   'edge_loss': {   'high_purity': True,
                                                                           'name': 'channel',
                                                                           'source_col': 5,
                                                                           'target_col': 6},
                                                          'node_loss': {   'high_purity': True,
                                                                           'name': 'primary',
                                                                           'use_group_pred': True}},
                                'grappa_track': {   'base': {   'add_start_dir': True,
                                                                'add_start_point': True,
                                                                'node_min_size': 3,
                                                                'node_type': 1,
                                                                'start_dir_max_dist': 5},
                                                    'edge_encoder': {   'name': 'geo',
                                                                        'use_numpy': True},
                                                    'freeze_weights': True,
                                                    'gnn_model': {   'edge_classes': 2,
                                                                     'edge_feats': 19,
                                                                     'edge_output_feats': 64,
                                                                     'name': 'meta',
                                                                     'node_classes': 2,
                                                                     'node_feats': 28,
                                                                     'node_output_feats': 64},
                                                    'node_encoder': {   'name': 'geo',
                                                                        'use_numpy': True}},
                                'grappa_track_loss': {   'edge_loss': {   'name': 'channel',
                                                                          'source_col': 5,
                                                                          'target_col': 6}},
                                'uresnet_deghost': {   'freeze_weights': True,
                                                       'uresnet_lonely': {   'activation': {   'args': {   'negative_slope': 0.33},
                                                                                               'name': 'lrelu'},
                                                                             'allow_bias': False,
                                                                             'depth': 5,
                                                                             'filters': 32,
                                                                             'ghost': False,
                                                                             'norm_layer': {   'args': {   'eps': 0.0001,
                                                                                                           'momentum': 0.01},
                                                                                               'name': 'batch_norm'},
                                                                             'num_classes': 2,
                                                                             'num_input': 2,
                                                                             'reps': 2,
                                                                             'spatial_size': 6144}},
                                'uresnet_ppn': {   'ppn': {   'classify_endpoints': True,
                                                              'depth': 5,
                                                              'filters': 32,
                                                              'freeze_weights': True,
                                                              'mask_loss_name': 'BCE',
                                                              'num_classes': 5,
                                                              'particles_label_seg_col': -3,
                                                              'ppn_resolution': 1.0,
                                                              'ppn_score_threshold': 0.6,
                                                              'spatial_size': 6144},
                                                   'uresnet_lonely': {   'activation': {   'args': {   'negative_slope': 0.33},
                                                                                           'name': 'lrelu'},
                                                                         'allow_bias': False,
                                                                         'depth': 5,
                                                                         'filters': 32,
                                                                         'freeze_weights': True,
                                                                         'norm_layer': {   'args': {   'eps': 0.0001,
                                                                                                       'momentum': 0.01},
                                                                                           'name': 'batch_norm'},
                                                                         'num_classes': 5,
                                                                         'num_input': 2,
                                                                         'reps': 2,
                                                                         'spatial_size': 6144}}},
                 'name': 'full_chain',
                 'network_input': [   'input_data',
    'trainval': {   'checkpoint_step': 100,
                    'concat_result': [   'input_edge_features',
                    'debug': False,
                    'gpus': [0],
                    'iterations': 10,
                    'log_dir': './log_trash',
                    'minibatch_size': -1,
                    'model_path': '/sdf/home/l/ldomine/lartpc_mlreco3d_tutorials/book/data/weights_full_mpvmpr_062022.ckpt',
                    'optimizer': {'args': {'lr': 0.001}, 'name': 'Adam'},
                    'report_step': 1,
                    'seed': 123,
                    'train': False,
                    'unwrapper': 'unwrap_3d_mink',
                    'weight_prefix': './weights_trash/snapshot'}}
Loading file: /sdf/home/l/ldomine/lartpc_mlreco3d_tutorials/book/data/mpvmpr_062022_test_small.root
Loading tree sparse3d_reco
Loading tree sparse3d_reco_chi2
Loading tree sparse3d_reco_hit_charge0
Loading tree sparse3d_reco_hit_charge1
Loading tree sparse3d_reco_hit_charge2
Loading tree sparse3d_reco_hit_key0
Loading tree sparse3d_reco_hit_key1
Loading tree sparse3d_reco_hit_key2
Loading tree sparse3d_pcluster_semantics_ghost
Loading tree cluster3d_pcluster
Loading tree particle_pcluster
Loading tree particle_mpv
Loading tree sparse3d_pcluster_semantics
Loading tree sparse3d_pcluster
Loading tree particle_corrected
Found 101 events in file(s)
Shower GNN: True
Track GNN: True
Particle GNN: False
Interaction GNN: True
Kinematics GNN: False
Cosmic GNN: False

            Since one of the GNNs are turned on, process_fragments is turned ON.

        Fragment processing is turned ON. When training CNN models from
         scratch, we recommend turning fragment processing OFF as without
         reliable segmentation and/or cnn clustering outputs this could take
         prohibitively large training iterations.
Shower GNN: True
Track GNN: True
Particle GNN: False
Interaction GNN: True
Kinematics GNN: False
Cosmic GNN: False

            Since one of the GNNs are turned on, process_fragments is turned ON.

        Fragment processing is turned ON. When training CNN models from
         scratch, we recommend turning fragment processing OFF as without
         reliable segmentation and/or cnn clustering outputs this could take
         prohibitively large training iterations.
Freezing 82 weights for a sub-module ppn
Freezing 141 weights for a sub-module uresnet_lonely
Freezing 141 weights for a sub-module uresnet_deghost
Freezing 146 weights for a sub-module graph_spice
Freezing 120 weights for a sub-module grappa_track
Freezing 120 weights for a sub-module grappa_shower
Restoring weights for  from /sdf/home/l/ldomine/lartpc_mlreco3d_tutorials/book/data/weights_full_mpvmpr_062022.ckpt...
Warning in <TClass::Init>: no dictionary for class larcv::EventNeutrino is available
Warning in <TClass::Init>: no dictionary for class larcv::NeutrinoSet is available
Warning in <TClass::Init>: no dictionary for class larcv::Neutrino is available

The output is hidden because it reprints the entire (lengthy) configuration. Feel free to take a look if you are curious!

Finally we run the chain for 1 iteration:

# Call forward to run the net, store the output in "res"
data, output = hs.trainer.forward(hs.data_io_iter)
Deghosting Accuracy: 0.9830
Segmentation Accuracy: 0.9900
PPN Accuracy: 0.8843
Clustering Accuracy: 0.2691
Clustering Edge Accuracy: 0.1252
Shower fragment clustering accuracy: 0.9581
Shower primary prediction accuracy: 0.9434
Track fragment clustering accuracy: 0.9937
Interaction grouping accuracy: 0.9763
Particle ID accuracy: 0.8409
Primary particle score accuracy: 0.9755

Now we can play with data and output to visualize what we are interested in. Feel free to change the entry index if you want to look at a different entry!

entry = 0

Let us grab the interesting quantities:

clust_label = data['cluster_label'][entry]
input_data = data['input_data'][entry]
segment_label = data['segment_label'][entry][:, -1]

ghost_mask = output['ghost'][entry].argmax(axis=1) == 0
segment_pred = output['segmentation'][entry].argmax(axis=1)

Visualization of interaction clustering

Because our small dataset has ghost points, we need to adapt the true cluster labels (which do not label ghost points by default). This will assign to true ghost points predicted as non-ghost points the label of the closest true non-ghost point. True ghost points which are correctly predicted as ghost points keep a label of -1 for everything.

clust_label_adapted = adapt_labels(output, data['segment_label'], data['cluster_label'])[entry]

clust_ids_true = get_cluster_label(torch.tensor(clust_label_adapted), output['particles'][entry], column=7)
clust_ids_pred = output['inter_group_pred'][entry]

Note that the function get_cluster_label uses the majority rule to determine the true label of a cluster of voxels (here, particles).

trace = []

trace += network_topology(data['input_data'][entry][ghost_mask],
                         markersize=2, cmin=0, cmax=10, colorscale=plotly.colors.qualitative.Dark24)
trace[-1].name = 'True interactions'

trace+= scatter_points(clust_label_adapted,markersize=1,color=clust_label_adapted[:, 7], colorscale=plotly.colors.qualitative.Dark24)
trace[-1].name = 'Adapted cluster labels'

trace += network_topology(data['input_data'][entry][ghost_mask],
                         markersize=2, cmin=0, cmax=10, colorscale=plotly.colors.qualitative.Dark24)
trace[-1].name = 'Predicted interactions'

fig = go.Figure(data=trace,layout=plotly_layout3d())
fig.update_layout(legend=dict(x=1.1, y=0.9))


Primary particles predictions

We need to get the true labels first:

kinematics_label = data['kinematics_label'][entry]
true_vtx, inv = np.unique(kinematics_label[:, 9:12], axis=0, return_index=True)
true_vtx_primary = kinematics_label[inv, 12]

And the predictions:

vtx_primary_pred = output['node_pred_vtx'][entry][:, 3:].argmax(axis=1)

We need to take the argmax of the softmax scores. The predictions are 0 for non-primary and 1 for primary particle.

trace = []

trace+= scatter_points(kinematics_label,markersize=1,color=kinematics_label[:, 12], colorscale=plotly.colors.qualitative.Dark24)
trace[-1].name = 'True vertex primary particles'

trace += network_topology(data['input_data'][entry][ghost_mask],
                         markersize=2, cmin=0, cmax=10, colorscale=plotly.colors.qualitative.Dark24)
trace[-1].name = 'Predicted vertex primary particles'

fig = go.Figure(data=trace,layout=plotly_layout3d())
fig.update_layout(legend=dict(x=1.1, y=0.9))


Particle identification (PID)

The predictions are in node_pred_type:

type_pred = output['node_pred_type'][entry].argmax(axis=1)

Here is the meaning of each integer type:


Particle type


Photon (\(\gamma\))


Electron (\(e\))


Muon (\(\mu\))


Pion (\(\pi\))


Proton (\(p\))

trace = []

trace+= scatter_points(kinematics_label,markersize=1,color=kinematics_label[:, 7], colorscale=plotly.colors.qualitative.Dark24)
trace[-1].name = 'True particle type'

trace += network_topology(data['input_data'][entry][ghost_mask],
                         clust_labels=np.argmax(output['node_pred_type'][entry], axis=1),
                         markersize=2, cmin=0, cmax=10, colorscale=plotly.colors.qualitative.Dark24)
trace[-1].name = 'Predicted particle type'

fig = go.Figure(data=trace,layout=plotly_layout3d())
fig.update_layout(legend=dict(x=1.1, y=0.9))
